Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies: What Are They and Why Should I Care?
Sigma Xi Science Cafe
5:30 pm
Evan Hill, hillem@unk.edu
Dr. Christian Binek’s presentation introduces and highlights the
peculiarities of the second quantum revolution by contrasting it with the more familiar first quantum
revolution which gave rise to much of today’s high-technology. He will provide
examples for the theory guided search, fabrication, and characterization of
emergent quantum materials and show how they enable quantum technologies
with applications in sensing, communication, medicine, banking, and national
security. He will also point out the specific role which Nebraska’s EQUATE center plays in
this global megatrend which includes the race for quantum supremacy of future
quantum computers.
peculiarities of the second quantum revolution by contrasting it with the more familiar first quantum
revolution which gave rise to much of today’s high-technology. He will provide
examples for the theory guided search, fabrication, and characterization of
emergent quantum materials and show how they enable quantum technologies
with applications in sensing, communication, medicine, banking, and national
security. He will also point out the specific role which Nebraska’s EQUATE center plays in
this global megatrend which includes the race for quantum supremacy of future
quantum computers.
Additional Public Info:
The Zoom link and password can be obtained from:
Evan M. Hill, Ph.D.
Sigma Xi President - UNK Chapter