All events are in Central time unless specified.

4-H Adams County Static Item(s) Drop Off

7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Adams Co Extension Office
515 West 3rd Street
Hastings NE 68901
Your exhibit should meet all of the following requirements:
A. Delivered to the Extension Office (2975 S. Baltimore) on Tuesday, August 20th from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM. The Extension Staff will take and enter your exhibit at the State Fair on August 21st.
B. Bring to the Extension Office the packing materials for your projects to travel in, but don’t box them up (seal the boxes) until the State Fair entry tags have been attached to them by Extension Staff.
C. Each exhibit will need its own box to travel in.
4. Your exhibit must meet the guidelines stated in the portion of the County Fair Book for your project area and classes; these guidelines are the same for State Fair

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This event originated in Nebraska Extension - Adams County.