Field Day
UNVP/NWGGA Field Day is June 6
8:30 am –
5:00 pm
Paul Read, (402) 472-5136,
The University of Nebraska Viticulture Program (UNVP) in collaboration with the Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Association (NWGGA) is planning a viticulture field day for June 6.
We will visit the Jim Skinner Vineyard and Deer Springs Winery to observe and demonstrate up-to-date vineyard practices and early summer vineyard tasks. There will be something for everyone, whether experienced vineyard manager or someone just getting started with growing grapes.
Topics will include trellis conversion demonstrations, discussions of vineyard replanting, disease management, productivity of new and old cultivars and much, much more.
This will be an in-person field day that you won’t want to miss!
Register for this FREE event by June 1:
We will visit the Jim Skinner Vineyard and Deer Springs Winery to observe and demonstrate up-to-date vineyard practices and early summer vineyard tasks. There will be something for everyone, whether experienced vineyard manager or someone just getting started with growing grapes.
Topics will include trellis conversion demonstrations, discussions of vineyard replanting, disease management, productivity of new and old cultivars and much, much more.
This will be an in-person field day that you won’t want to miss!
Register for this FREE event by June 1:
Download this event to my calendar
This event originated in University of Nebraska Viticulture .