All events are in Central time unless specified.

Open Professional Development Time

Libraries Internal Event

Recurring Date Info:
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Love Library South Room: Giesecke Room 217
1248 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: LLS
Target Audiences:
Jannah Vanie,
Open Professional Development Time is open recurring time for Libraries faculty and staff to work on professional development activities and/or ask questions related to professional development. This time gives employees the opportunity to have dedicated time to focus on professional development in a supportive and inclusive environment with their peers, including the Employee Development & Inclusion Specialist, Jannah Vanie.

These informal times will take place weekly from September 24th to December 17th on Tuesdays from 12pm-2pm in the Giesecke Room (LLS 217). This effort is a response to feedback from employees about wanting dedicated time and support to pursue professional development. No need to RSVP or sign up to join. This is a flexible format where employees can join every week, once a month, or once a semester for however long they’d like to. This effort will be assessed in December to see if this is something we’d like to continue.

Examples of what one might do during this time:
-watch a webinar recording
-read articles or books for #NCLUDE groups
-work on professional development planning
-respond to professional development journal prompts
-review notes or materials from a learning session
-look into news or trends in their field/profession
-catch up on Learning Stacks microlearnings
-work on a professional development course or online learning
-complete an e-learning activity of interest in Bridge
-read book related to professional development, maybe from the Professional Development Library
-ask Jannah questions about a learning session or the employee development program in general

-Employees that are interested and need to join on zoom can email Jannah Vanie the date(s) they plan to attend for a zoom link.
-Please bring headphones if watching or listening to something during this time so others are not distracted.
-Reach out to Jannah to be added to the recurring calendar invite.

Reach out to Jannah for any questions.

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