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NACADA Webinar: Teach us How to Lead and Advise You

10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room: Ubuntu - 202
1505 S St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: GAUN
Target Audiences:
Jaci Gustafson, (402) 472-3605,
Advisors primarily serve Generation Z on our college campuses today; therefore, it is essential that you have healthy intergenerational dialogue. The world is rapidly changing; therefore, advisors should always be open to a diversified advising approach. That is made possible through a posture of learning about Generation Z’s perspectives of life, education, and other pertinent subject matter. If not careful, we can subconsciously assume that Generation Z views the world from our (prior generations) lens. Those joining this session will learn how Generation Z feels about the following: finding their major; leaders and their preferred leadership styles; their perspective of “grit;” the value of education; choosing a career; technology usage.

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This event originated in University Academic Advising.