All events are in Central time unless specified.

Wayne County 4-H & NRA Sectional Air Rifle Invitational

9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Carroll Auditorium
413 Main Street
Carroll NE 68723
Target Audiences:
Steve Pritchard, (402) 395-2158,
Doors open one hour before first relay - Concessions on site

Competitions include BB Gun- 4 position, Jr 3 Position (3P) Sporter Air Rifle, Jr Precision Air Rifle (all standing), Open (Adults included) 3 Position (3P) Sporter Air Rifle and Open Precision Air Rifle, and Progressive Air Pistol (4-H only).

Rules- NRA Rules will apply for all competitions. Eye protection is required for all on the line, shooters, and coaches. NRA rules can be found online. Please note: Jr and Open 3P Sporter Air Rifle shooting order will be kneeling, prone and standing.

Divisions NRA: BB Gun ages 8-9, 10-12, 13-15; Jr Air Rifle 3P and Precision- 14 and under, 15-17, 18-20;Open Precision Air Rifle- NRA Classification. Competitors need not be members of the NRA or 4-H shooting sports programs. Note: Open 3P Sporter Air Rifle will not be an NRA sanctioned event.

4-H Divisions: Competitor must be a member of a Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Program. Divisions; BB Gun- 8 yr old, 9-10, 11-12, 13-15; Sporter 3P- 12 and under, 13-18. Precision 18 and under, progressive Air Pistol- 8-9, 10-11, 12-14, 15-18. All ages as of Jan 1. Management reserves the right to combine age groups for lack of entrants.

Pre-Registration is required. Pre-registration due by Friday, January 24, 2025, at midnight. Register with the web link or contact: Kristi Anderson at A $10.00 late fee will be assessed on entries received between then and the day of the competitions. Please be to the range one hour before your first assigned relay. Relay times on the web link.

Course of fire: BB Gun; 10 shots for score in each position- prone, standing, sitting, and kneeling. Sporter Air Rifle; 20 shots for score in each position: kneeling, prone and standing. Precision Air Rifle, all Standing, 40 shots-Jr Division, 60 shots-Open Division. 4-H Air Pistol- 40 shots slow fire.

Scoring- Orion Scoring System will be used, targets provided.

Cost: 4-H BB Gun, 3P and Precision Air Rifle and Air Pistol- $7.00 per competitor per event. NRA match: $7.00 for BB Gun, $11.00 for Jr 3P Sporter Air Rifle and Precision Air Rifle per competitor per event. Both 4-H and NRA: BB Gun: $11.00, 3P Sporter and Precision Air Rifle: $13.00. Open 3P Sporter Air Rifle: $11.00.

Safety rules enforced!! Eye protection required! No horse play allowed on the range. No Flash photography, cell phones or pagers on the range.

For more information contact Darin Greunke, Match Director at 402-286-4895 or

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