No Limits Student Research Conference Keynote Lecture: “Writing as Resistance”
Dr. SJ Sindu, Keynote Lecturer
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Swanson Auditorium
•Theme: “Writing as Resistance”
This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.
Tea Time Friday
Kawasaki Reading Room
11:00 am –
4:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: 302
Join us to sample a new tea with a snack each week! COVID-19 protocols will be enforced for student and staff safety along with adhering to current health department and university guidelines.
This event originated in Kawasaki Reading Room .
No Limits 2022| Workshop: “Responding to Student Disclosures with CARE”
1:00 pm –
2:20 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: Unity Room/212
This workshop will be conducted by WGS major Lizzy Lavin as part of her senior UCARE Project. Lavin’s research focuses on how faculty, instructors, and staff can support student survivors of sexual violence. She will be presenting this workshop in …
This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.
LIFE IN LINCOLN: “The Batman” at the Lincoln Grand Cinema
hosted by Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement and International Student and Scholar Office
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union, The Crib
A weekly series every Friday evening for UNL students to gather and enjoy a nearby activity or tour to sample and learn about the local Lincoln culture, neighborhoods, and people.
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Ongoing Events
Open Education Week
A series of events for instructors to share and learn about Open Educational Resources (OER)
11:00 am –
1:00 pm
The week’s events will kick off with guest speaker Tanya M. Spilovoy, instructor for SPARC’s (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) Open Education Leadership program, a first-of-its-kind professional development program to …