Nonprofit in Residence: Domesti-PUPS
hosted by Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement
11:00 am –
1:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: 1st floor, outside the NCard Office
The Nonprofit in Residence program enables UNL students to have volunteer and career conversations with nonprofits. Students can learn about industries, internships, and volunteer positions.
This event originated in Community Engagement.
Canceled: Well-Being Pop-In
Peer Listening
2:00 pm –
4:00 pm
Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall Room: 227
Join Big Red Resilience & Well-Being and the College of Education and Human Sciences at Pop-In Peer Listening Sessions. The goal of these sessions is to provide students with a listening ear, wellness and mindfulness activities, connect with on- and …
This event originated in Well-being Collective.
UCARE Information Session
Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences
2:30 pm –
3:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
UCARE supports UNL undergraduates to work one-on-one with faculty research advisors in research or creative activities. Between mid-November and mid-February each year, students may submit a proposal for the following summer ($2,400), academic year …
This event originated in Undergraduate Research & Fellowships.
CDO: Government and Public Interest Fair
3:30 pm –
5:00 pm
McCollum Hall
Room: North Hallway and Lobby
Join representation from government, academic, and public interest organizations to learn more about opportunities in externships, paid clerkships and volunteer positions. The event will take place in the North Hallway and Lobby. More information …
This event originated in Law.
ASUN Senate Meeting
Recurring Date Info:
6:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Platte River Room
The ASUN Senate meets weekly to discuss current happenings in ASUN, new legislation, and committee reports. All meetings are open to the public, and members of the UNL community are welcome to address the Senate during open forum.
This event originated in ASUN Student Government.
Ongoing Events
Winter Coat & Sweater Drive
All Day
University Health Center Room: Room 127
Students, staff, faculty, and organizations can donate new or lightly-used sweaters and coats for Husker students in need of warm clothing for the winter season.
This event originated in Well-being Collective.