OLLI Politics Interest Group
3:00 pm
Stauffer’s Cafe and Pie Shoppe
5600 S. 48th St.
Lincoln Ne 68516
Lincoln Ne 68516
The group will next meeting on Thursday, Aug 15, 3 p.m. at Stauffer’s Café & Pie Shoppe, 5600 So. 48th St. Here a list of suggested topics:
1. Muller has testified. What is the next move or is it over? A majority of House Democrats now supports holding an impeachment hearing. A hearing might bring facts to light that turn public opinion toward impeachment. Does Nancy Pelosi roll the dice?
2. The President recently directed hostile comments toward four minority Democratic members of Congress and later Rep. Elijah Cummings. Where will such rhetoric lead? Should Trump lose in 2020, will it be possible to put the racist/white supremacist genie back in the bottle? If he wins, will it only get worse?
3. Round one and two of the Democratic debates are over. What, if anything, did we learn? Who will run strongest against Trump? Who offers the best policy prescriptions for the nation? How does one sort through twenty plus candidates?
4. There is some pundit talk that the 2020 election will turn on culture not policy. So is Medicare for all, global warming, trade, etc. just so much talk and a waste of time?
5. Ben Sasse will seek re-election. He apparently has the support of Nebraska’s notable Republicans save Matt Innis. He has vowed to continue his work standing up for the unborn, fighting illegal immigration and working to confirm President Trump’s judicial nominees. Governor Ricketts stated that we need him in Washington to stop the Democrats who are working day and night to make the U.S. a socialist nation. What could this possibly mean?
Sasse was also in the news berating Democrats on the Judiciary Committee for suggesting that district court appointee, Nebraskan Brian Buescher, should resign his Knights of Columbus membership after he becomes a judge to avoid any appearance of bias. Was this Catholic bigotry as Sasse suggested?
6. Does State Senator John McCollister calling out his party for enabling white supremacy in the country signal a crack, a small one to be sure, in the Republican ranks? Is the crack likely to grow?
7. Two more mass shootings. The headline on Don Walton’s column this week was “Waiting for the violence to end.” In 2019, so far, there have been 252 mass shooting and 340 in 2018. Walton suggested voting out any incumbent that doesn’t address the violence and guns. Anything new here?
1. Muller has testified. What is the next move or is it over? A majority of House Democrats now supports holding an impeachment hearing. A hearing might bring facts to light that turn public opinion toward impeachment. Does Nancy Pelosi roll the dice?
2. The President recently directed hostile comments toward four minority Democratic members of Congress and later Rep. Elijah Cummings. Where will such rhetoric lead? Should Trump lose in 2020, will it be possible to put the racist/white supremacist genie back in the bottle? If he wins, will it only get worse?
3. Round one and two of the Democratic debates are over. What, if anything, did we learn? Who will run strongest against Trump? Who offers the best policy prescriptions for the nation? How does one sort through twenty plus candidates?
4. There is some pundit talk that the 2020 election will turn on culture not policy. So is Medicare for all, global warming, trade, etc. just so much talk and a waste of time?
5. Ben Sasse will seek re-election. He apparently has the support of Nebraska’s notable Republicans save Matt Innis. He has vowed to continue his work standing up for the unborn, fighting illegal immigration and working to confirm President Trump’s judicial nominees. Governor Ricketts stated that we need him in Washington to stop the Democrats who are working day and night to make the U.S. a socialist nation. What could this possibly mean?
Sasse was also in the news berating Democrats on the Judiciary Committee for suggesting that district court appointee, Nebraskan Brian Buescher, should resign his Knights of Columbus membership after he becomes a judge to avoid any appearance of bias. Was this Catholic bigotry as Sasse suggested?
6. Does State Senator John McCollister calling out his party for enabling white supremacy in the country signal a crack, a small one to be sure, in the Republican ranks? Is the crack likely to grow?
7. Two more mass shootings. The headline on Don Walton’s column this week was “Waiting for the violence to end.” In 2019, so far, there have been 252 mass shooting and 340 in 2018. Walton suggested voting out any incumbent that doesn’t address the violence and guns. Anything new here?