2022 OLLI Election
8:00 am –
5:00 pm
Patricia Saldana, (402) 416-1543,
May is the time of year that OLLI members elect two new representatives to the OLLI Advisory Council to serve 3-year terms as members-at-large. Members have a say in who helps guide the OLLI program by voting for representatives to the Advisory Council. Composed of officers, elected representatives, standing committee chairs/co-chairs and the OLLI director, the Advisory Council sets the direction of the program and safeguards its sustainability. The terms of the Advisory Council are staggered in order to ensure continuity of leadership.
Membership voting takes place May 9, 8 a.m.-May 13, 5 p.m.. Members with email addresses will be sent a ballot electronically. Those without email addresses will be mailed a ballot.
Membership voting takes place May 9, 8 a.m.-May 13, 5 p.m.. Members with email addresses will be sent a ballot electronically. Those without email addresses will be mailed a ballot.
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