The Play that Goes Wrong-Dinner Theatre
7:00 am –
8:15 pm
Dillard’s at Gateway Mall
Patricia Saldana, (402) 416-1543,
Join us for a holiday day trip to the New Theatre & Restaurant in Overland Park,
Kansas. Enjoy relaxing and socializing with friends and family as you ride comfortably,
via Arrow coach, for a “riotous explosion of comedy.” “The Play that Goes Wrong” is
a comedy about a small theater company staging a production of a 1920’s style murder
mystery, “The Murder at the Haversham Manor” but when the curtain goes up,
everything quickly goes from bad to utterly disastrous. With an unconscious leading lady,
a corpse that can’t play dead and actors who trip over everything, including their lines.
You must register for this event to attend. The $159 fee includes: round trip transportation; juice, water and rolls for the ride; tickets to the show, including lunch, beverages, dessert; and all gratuities.
Kansas. Enjoy relaxing and socializing with friends and family as you ride comfortably,
via Arrow coach, for a “riotous explosion of comedy.” “The Play that Goes Wrong” is
a comedy about a small theater company staging a production of a 1920’s style murder
mystery, “The Murder at the Haversham Manor” but when the curtain goes up,
everything quickly goes from bad to utterly disastrous. With an unconscious leading lady,
a corpse that can’t play dead and actors who trip over everything, including their lines.
You must register for this event to attend. The $159 fee includes: round trip transportation; juice, water and rolls for the ride; tickets to the show, including lunch, beverages, dessert; and all gratuities.