Ross Movie
Starts at
11:50 am
Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center-Van Brunt Visitors Center
Room: Ross Theaters (123 & 124)
Target Audiences:
313 N 13th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: RVB
Meghan Stratman, (402) 472-9100,
When defamed actress Elisabeth (Renate Reinsve) is abruptly called into a parent-teacher meeting after hours, she is presented with scathing allegations that trigger a tangled web of accusations between parents and faculty. As Elisabeth struggles to uncover the truth amid the empty school rooms and dark corridors, a chaotic fight for redemption arises where desire, madness and obsession prevail. Showing at The Ross March 7-13. Visit for tickets, showtimes, and more information.
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This event originated in The Ross.