Dish It Up: Conversations About Consent
6:00 pm –
7:30 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: OASIS Lounge
Target Audiences:
1505 S St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: GAUN
CARE, (402) 472-3553,
Attendees will define consent, garner skills to communicate and withdraw consent, gain self-efficacy in safely navigating sexual consent, and learn how to move conversations about relationship boundaries beyond the bedroom. The session includes resources and exercises to use with partners, on-campus resources, a self-evaluation consent communication inventory, and a Q&A. Students are invited to bring their nuanced questions about consent and relationship health to discuss with Katie Bogen, program facilitator and doctoral student in sexual health.
f you require a reasonable accommodation in order to make this event more accessible for you, please email or call CARE at 402-472-3553.
f you require a reasonable accommodation in order to make this event more accessible for you, please email or call CARE at 402-472-3553.