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The Ethics of Life and Death in the Brave New World: How Law and Morality Mix in the Biotech Future

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
McCollum Hall Room: Auditorium
1875 N 42nd St
Lincoln NE 68583
Andrew Weaver,
This year’s Christian Legal Society CLE speaker is Nik Nikas, president and general counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund. Nikas has litigated cases and drafted model legislation cross the country.

At the conclusion of Nik’s talk, we will have a panel discussion on the First Freedom Act that recently enshrined important protections for Nebraskans. Professor Rick Duncan believes that the First Freedom Act is one of the country’s most sweeping RFRAs and that all Nebraska lawyers should understand its ramifications.

We anticipate this CLE will be approved for 1.0 continuing education credit in Nebraska.

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