Democracy & Democrats Across Europe with Special Focus on the Czech Republic
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: Regency B
1400 R St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: NU
Hana Waisserova, hwaisserova2@unl.edu
Presented by Dr. Martina Klicperova-Baker, senior researcher from the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Her research interests are Psychology of Democracy, Transition to Democracy, Political Psychology, Antisocial Behavior and Violence. Her research of post-communist syndrome has gained much recognition.
The presentation is introduced by a short list of paradoxes, including the basic paradox of democracy: “although democracy, potentially, is the most peaceful regime, its fundamental principles tend to be in a perpetual conflict.” The presentation is concluded with a list of four democratic concerns/worries.
Presented by Czech Program and Global Studies.
The presentation is introduced by a short list of paradoxes, including the basic paradox of democracy: “although democracy, potentially, is the most peaceful regime, its fundamental principles tend to be in a perpetual conflict.” The presentation is concluded with a list of four democratic concerns/worries.
Presented by Czech Program and Global Studies.