Building Nebraska U: The Saga of University Hall & the Origins of the Modern University
The Nebraska Lectures: Chancellor’s Distinguished Speaker Series
4:30 pm –
6:00 pm
Champions Club
707 Stadium Dr
Lincoln NE 68501
Lincoln NE 68501
Additional Info: NECH
University Communication, (402) 472-0088
Second of the N150 lectures. Kay Logan-Peters, professor, University Libraries, Art and Architecture Librarian and creator of an online tour of the university’s architectural history, will examine the architectural history of the university and include an NET-produced virtual reality tour of University Hall—the first building on campus. Logan-Peters is also author of “University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” a book that features more than 180 historic images of the university.
The lecture is free and open to the public. It will also be streamed online and made available via podcast. For the live webcast, go to
The lecture is free and open to the public. It will also be streamed online and made available via podcast. For the live webcast, go to