Japan and Nebraska Agriculture: Opportunities for the 21st Century
Lunch and Learn
12:30 pm –
2:00 pm
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center
Room: Kawasaki Reading Room, 3rd Floor
1505 S St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: GAUN
Kawasaki Reading Room, (402) 472-9427, kawasakireadingroom@gmail.com
Jordan Schlake currently works as Nebraska Agricultural Trade Representative with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. He is a graduate of UNL with a degree in Economics and International Studies, where he was able to travel to Japan through UNL’s partnership with Senshu University. Lecture begins at 12:30 PM. Q & A is 1:30 PM-2 PM. Open to ALL UNL students. RSVP by Sept. 26 at bit.ly/LUNCHKRR