Election Workshop for RSOs
Student Involvement Mini Workshop Series
4:00 pm –
4:45 pm
Melissa Griffith-Phelps, mgphelps@unl.edu
It’s important to complete your elections for your RSO to ensure continued success and we want to help your group continue to host events, recruit new students and more. In this quick session, we’ll show you how to use the Messaging and Election tools on NvolveU as well as the breakout room feature in Zoom to help you hold virtual elections. Bring your questions and election information and we can help you.
RSVP for this session: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5712622
This workshop is one of a series Student Involvement is hosting to help students stay connected and to exercise their mind.
These workshops are open to anyone within the UNL community, and will cover a wide variety of topics for both individual growth and team development. Discover more upcoming workshops in the series: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/events.
RSVP for this session: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5712622
This workshop is one of a series Student Involvement is hosting to help students stay connected and to exercise their mind.
These workshops are open to anyone within the UNL community, and will cover a wide variety of topics for both individual growth and team development. Discover more upcoming workshops in the series: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/events.