School of Natural Resources Seminar Series
Stakeholder Decision Making for Harvest of Fish and Non-fish Wildlife
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Hardin Hall
Room: 107 South (Auditorium)
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Kevin Pope, (402) 472-7028,
Presentation by Kelly Robinson, assistant professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (Quantitative Fisheries Center), Michigan State University.
In the Laurentian Great Lakes, making decisions for fisheries and ecosystem management are challenging because of ecological and social uncertainty, the need for multi-jurisdictional collaboration, and large-scale ecosystem changes that threaten Great Lakes food webs. In particular, invasive species, land use / landscape change, and climate change affect decisions made for Great Lakes fisheries. Decision analysis provides a framework to allow decision makers and stakeholders to transparently and deliberatively work through these difficult decisions. I provide two examples of applications decision analysis to Great Lakes fishery management problems. The first example is a framework for responding to invasive species, focused on grass carp, one of the four “Asian carps” that are invasive to North America. The second example discusses decisions for prioritizing barrier removal and remediation projects on tributaries to the Great Lakes, accounting for multiple ecological, economic, and social objectives. These examples provide a framework for decision making that has been embraced by state, provincial, and federal fisheries managers in the Great Lakes region.
Dr. Kelly Robinson is an assistant professor with the Quantitative Fisheries Center, in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. Kelly’s research is focused on the ecology and management of Great Lakes fishes, as well as the application of decision analysis to natural resource management problems in the Great Lakes and beyond. Kelly received her B.A. in Biology and Spanish from the University of Virginia, her M.S. in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston, and her Ph.D. in Fisheries Science from the University of Georgia. Kelly has applied decision analysis to a variety of problems, including invasive species control, endangered shorebird management, and harvest management for multiple fish and wildlife species. Her fisheries research includes understanding the effects of ecosystem change on native benthic preyfish, sea lamprey control efforts, and harvest management.
In the Laurentian Great Lakes, making decisions for fisheries and ecosystem management are challenging because of ecological and social uncertainty, the need for multi-jurisdictional collaboration, and large-scale ecosystem changes that threaten Great Lakes food webs. In particular, invasive species, land use / landscape change, and climate change affect decisions made for Great Lakes fisheries. Decision analysis provides a framework to allow decision makers and stakeholders to transparently and deliberatively work through these difficult decisions. I provide two examples of applications decision analysis to Great Lakes fishery management problems. The first example is a framework for responding to invasive species, focused on grass carp, one of the four “Asian carps” that are invasive to North America. The second example discusses decisions for prioritizing barrier removal and remediation projects on tributaries to the Great Lakes, accounting for multiple ecological, economic, and social objectives. These examples provide a framework for decision making that has been embraced by state, provincial, and federal fisheries managers in the Great Lakes region.
Dr. Kelly Robinson is an assistant professor with the Quantitative Fisheries Center, in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. Kelly’s research is focused on the ecology and management of Great Lakes fishes, as well as the application of decision analysis to natural resource management problems in the Great Lakes and beyond. Kelly received her B.A. in Biology and Spanish from the University of Virginia, her M.S. in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston, and her Ph.D. in Fisheries Science from the University of Georgia. Kelly has applied decision analysis to a variety of problems, including invasive species control, endangered shorebird management, and harvest management for multiple fish and wildlife species. Her fisheries research includes understanding the effects of ecosystem change on native benthic preyfish, sea lamprey control efforts, and harvest management.