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M.S. Thesis Defense - Caroline LaPlante

Fishers’ Satisfaction in the Presence of Invasive Species.

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Hardin Hall Room: 107 South (Auditorium)
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Target Audiences:
Kevin Pope,
The presence and spread of invasive species have changed the way humans interact with their environment. Invasive bigheaded carp are well established throughout the Missouri River system below Gavin’s Point Dam. Nebraska and South Dakota co-manage a popular recreation paddlefish fishery, operating a snagging season (October) and an archery season (June). Satisfaction of recreational paddlefish fishers depends on many factors that may be influenced by the presence of invasive species. We used comment cards (1997-2021), mail surveys (2022), and onsite surveys (2022 and 2023) to assess the influences of bigheaded carp on paddlefish fishers’ satisfactions. Based on a content analysis of comment cards and importance grid analyses of mail and onsite surveys, we determined that bigheaded carp were not influencing paddlefish fishers’ satisfactions. Factors identified as influencing paddlefish fishers’ satisfactions were related to the catch of paddlefish. Contrary to our expectations, we documented no influence (positive or negative) of invasive species on satisfactions of recreational paddlefish fishers. Further work with other invasive species and other recreational users is needed to determine whether our findings are more broadly applicable.

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