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Food for Heath Seminar Series: Jon Yewdell


12:00 pm – 12:55 pm
Food Innovation Center Room: 277
1901 N 21st St
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: FIC
Virtual Location: Zoom Connection
Additional Info: Passcode : NFHC
Target Audiences:
Michaela Tonack,
Coming to Grips with DRiPs

I proposed the defective ribosomal product (DRiP) hypothesis nearly 30 years ago to account for the rapid generation of MHC I presented viral peptides from otherwise metabolically stable viral proteins. It posits that errors in converting genetic information into stable proteins accounts for a sizable fraction of the MHC class I immunopeptidome. I will discuss recent studies that provide insight into the importance of DRiPs for immunosurveillance and the myriad mechanisms that give rise to DRiPs. While I hope that the the science discussed is interesting, the main purpose of the talk is to convey the joy of basic research and the philosophy underlying experimental biology.

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This event originated in Nebraska Food for Health Center.