DSAEC Lunch and Learn
Presentation by Dr. Jie Zhao, Head of Delos Labs
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Peter Kiewit Institute Room: 157
Brandon Kreiling, (402) 554-7285, brandon.kreiling@unl.edu
We spend 90% of our time indoors. Indoor environment has a significant impact on our health and well-being. The WELL Building Standard provided us a holistic approach to quantify interventions to improve our indoor environments, so that our buildings can be a vehicle to make us healthier, happier and more productive. This presentation will introduce the framework of healthy buildings and elaborate two concepts: mental health - a behavioral modifiable risk factor and a potential disease burden and indoor air quality - an environmental modifiable risk factor. We will discuss why they are important from a scientific standpoint and how to improve them through building design and operations. We’d like to inspire everyone in the audience for further research and innovation in this interdisciplinary field of healthy buildings. Dr. Jie (Jay) Zhao, PhD, WELL Faculty, is the Head of Delos Labs, and Executive Vice President at Delos. He has 13 years of research and innovation experience in Human-building Interaction, specifically focusing on smart buildings and their impact on human health and well-being, as well as environmental sustainability. He received his PhD degree from Carnegie Mellon University, and Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Tongji University.
Rescheduled for February 25, 2022
(Canceled for January 21, 2022)
Rescheduled for February 25, 2022
(Canceled for January 21, 2022)
Additional Public Info:
Also broadcast in Nebraska Hall 110 on City Campus