Graduate Programs: Coffee and Conversations
10:00 am –
11:00 am
Peter Kiewit Institute Room: 150
Coffee and Conversations is going on the road. Join Dr. Dan Linzell, Associate Dean for Graduate and International Programs, and Dr. Kayla Person, Director of Engineering Graduate Programs, for coffee, donuts and conversations. This is an informal …
This event originated in Engineering Graduate Students.
DSAEC Lunch and Learn: ‘Room Acoustic Quality and Input Data’
Presented by Mai-Britt Beldam, Ecophon Saint Gobain
12:15 pm –
1:15 pm
Peter Kiewit Institute Room: 160
A long tradition of research shows that multiple acoustic descriptors are necessary to secure good room acoustics. Despite this knowledge, calculations according to the Sabine formula and measurements of reverberation time (RT) according to ISO 3382- …