Keep Calm & Carry On: A Project Management Workshop
Undergraduate Research & Fellowships Summer Workshop Series, June 1 – 23, 2023
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
Target Audiences:
Directions: Register in advance for this meeting:
Courtney Santos, (402) 472-5024,
As an undergraduate researcher or fellowship applicant, does it feel like you’re juggling a hundred things at once? You’ve got this! We will discuss strategies for time management, project management, and emotional management. You’ll learn how to navigate deadline conflicts and unexpected challenges, use effective coping strategies to ward off self-doubt or perfectionism, and stay motivated to achieve your goals.
This event is intended for currently enrolled UNL undergraduate students and alumni within one year of graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Staff, faculty, and graduate students who support undergraduate student success may observe the event.
Can’t attend live? This workshop will be recorded and posted to our website ( within 1-2 weeks after the event.
This event is intended for currently enrolled UNL undergraduate students and alumni within one year of graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Staff, faculty, and graduate students who support undergraduate student success may observe the event.
Can’t attend live? This workshop will be recorded and posted to our website ( within 1-2 weeks after the event.