Global Employer Meet & Greet: Lindsay Corporation
Part of the CASNR Global Learning Hub Fall Series
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Nebraska East Union
Room: Arbor Suite
Target Audiences:
1705 Arbor Dr
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: NEU
Brianne Wolf, (402) 858-8113,
Interested in interning or working for a global corporation? Lindsay Corporation is a global irrigation, infrastructure and industrial technology company with offices in over ten countries worldwide, but roots in rural Nebraska.
By joining this session, you’ll hear about the local and global nature of Lindsay Corporation, as well as hear about paid internships and job pathways at the organization, including those for international and domestic students both at their Omaha location or offices around the world.
You’ll have a chance to hear from and speak directly with manage of talent acquisition Chris Cottrell! If you missed Lindsay at the career fair, this will be your chance for some facetime with an exciting global employer!
By joining this session, you’ll hear about the local and global nature of Lindsay Corporation, as well as hear about paid internships and job pathways at the organization, including those for international and domestic students both at their Omaha location or offices around the world.
You’ll have a chance to hear from and speak directly with manage of talent acquisition Chris Cottrell! If you missed Lindsay at the career fair, this will be your chance for some facetime with an exciting global employer!
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This event originated in Global IANR.