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NU Technology Group

Liferay Users Group

10:00 am – 11:30 am
Nebraska East Union
1705 Arbor Dr
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: NEU
Al Stark, 472-5615,
A Liferay Users Group is forming with our first meeting on Thursday, April 16, from 10-11:30 am in the East Union. Room will be posted. For those unable to come to the East Campus Union, you may connect via Polycom with the Codian MCU using the CIT Private Conference. If you have any questions about connecting, please contact Al Stark at 472-5615 or

This group will be for those who are currently using CIT’s Liferay CMS to manage their Web sites, for those who are considering implementing it in the future, and for those just curious to know what it is all about.
Join us for our first meeting where we will be discussing current projects CIT is working on, features we are looking to implement and answers to your questions.

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This event originated in College of Business.