So You’ve Inherited a Farm, So Now What?
9:30 am –
12:00 pm
Nemaha County Extension Room: 4-H Building, Fairgrounds, Auburn
Workshop for Ag farm and ranch owners to learn about managing their property effectively. Includes information about land vales, land appraisals, land ownership, proper family communications, leasing land, cash rental rates, lease provisions, and …
This event originated in Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition.
Gardens Transformed
Young Memorial Lecture in Horticulture
7:00 pm –
8:00 pm
Hardin Hall
Room: Auditorium
Landscape architect Sandra Youssef Clinton will present the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s 2017 Joseph and Dorothy Young Memorial Lectures in Horticulture.
This event originated in Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.