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Agronomy & Horticulture Seminar - Shofia Saleh

Swimming in Boiling Water: Working at the Intersection Between Agriculture and Conservation of Natural Resources

3:00 pm
Keim Hall Room: 150
1825 N 38th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: KEIM
Kaye Wolfe,
Shofia Saleh, Smallholder Transformation and Oil Palm Intensification Project Lead / Affiliation: World Resources Institute, Indonesia presents, “Swimming in Boiling Water: Working at the Intersection Between Agriculture and Conservation of Natural Resources.” This seminar is about how partnership collaboration is essential for solving complex environmental problems. This presentation will explain why a collaborative project between governments, academia, and NGOs can play a pivotal role to avoid conversion of fragile ecosystems for oil palm cultivation, by providing solutions that can help reconcile production and environmental goals.  

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