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Agronomy & Horticulture Seminar – Doug Golick

Debugging Misconceptions about Arthropods

3:30 pm
Keim Hall Room: 150
1825 N 38th St
Lincoln NE 68503
Additional Info: KEIM
Mamie Boerner, (402) 472-1508,
Doug Golick, Associate Professor, Department of Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The US public has profound misconceptions about insects and terrestrial arthropods. These misconceptions are often learned at an early age and may be linked to poor practices like the overuse of pesticides and unnecessary fear and disgust of insects. Dr. Golick will share some of his lab’s research on arthropod misconceptions and share teaching and interventions that have been developed to improve knowledge and conservation practices about insects. He will also share how you can scale up learners’ understanding of larger complex issues through “tiny” misunderstandings about arthropods.

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