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SVMBS Research Seminar Series – Becky Funk

Secure Beef Supply Planning

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
SVMBS Zoom Webinar
Marcia Oetjen,
A seminar will be presented by Becky Funk, animal health teaching and extension specialist in the Nebraska School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. The seminar is offered on Zoom at

The seminar is free and open to the public.

Secure Beef Supply plans are an important part of planning for the
event of a foreign animal disease outbreak in the United States.
Veterinary Extension at Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center
was active in the last year in helping Nebraska cattle feeding
operations put SBS plans in place to safeguard their operations and
assure continuity of business in the event that an outbreak should
occur on US soil. This seminar focuses on an overview of the SBS
planning process, what SBS plans are, and more importantly what
they are not, as well as discussing some to the things we and our
intern teams learned in traveling around the state assisting
producers in the last year.

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