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Kick-Off Community Meeting for My Riverfront Nebraska City

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Rowe Public Safety complex Community Room
1518 Central Ave
Nebraska City NE 68410-2226
Members of Nebraska City Community Prosperity Initiative invite the public to a Kick-Off Community Meeting for My Riverfront Nebraska City. This participatory public meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 28, at the Rowe Public Safety complex Community Room (1518 Central Ave) from 6-8pm. In partnership with the Nebraska City Community Prosperity Initiative’s Tourism, Arts, Recreation and Trails (T.A.R.T.) focus group, UNL College of Architecture Collaborative Studio will spend 15 weeks over the upcoming fall semester developing short- and long-term design projects based on a community developed vision for Nebraska City’s riverfront.

The public is invited to this public meeting to help define and co-create the vision, goals and priorities for this exciting project. Anyone who has an interest in the future of Nebraska City’s riverfront or would like to get involved, are encouraged to join this interactive evening of creation and conversation.

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