Finding the Funding
Another Look at Foundations
12:00 pm –
12:50 pm
Architecture Hall
Room: Gallery
402 Stadium Dr
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: ARCH
Rumiko Handa
According to the Giving USA, funding by foundations increased by 6% to $66.90 billion from 2016 to 2017. Are your projects worthy of foundation support?
Liz Lange from the ORED will give an overview of foundation funding and available services her office offers. Toni Anaya from the University Libraries will provide a demonstration of how to identify foundation grants using databases.
There will be enough time left for you to try using the databases. Please bring your laptop.
Liz Lange, Office of Proposal Development, Office of Research and Economic Development
Toni Anaya, University Libraries
Liz Lange from the ORED will give an overview of foundation funding and available services her office offers. Toni Anaya from the University Libraries will provide a demonstration of how to identify foundation grants using databases.
There will be enough time left for you to try using the databases. Please bring your laptop.
Liz Lange, Office of Proposal Development, Office of Research and Economic Development
Toni Anaya, University Libraries