Econ Gone Country
4:30 pm –
5:30 pm
Virtual Location:
Matt Pierson’s Zoom Meeting
Target Audiences:
Nebraska Council on Economic Education , (402) 472-2333, mpierson4@unl.edu
Join Dr. Mark Melichar, creator of econgonecountry.com. He will be showing you ways to use country music and other media in your economics classroom. One lucky Nebraska teacher will receive a $25 Amazon gift card for attending!
Register Here: https://nebraskacouncilunledu.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/nebraskacouncilunledu/event.jsp?event=536&
Register Here: https://nebraskacouncilunledu.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/nebraskacouncilunledu/event.jsp?event=536&
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This event originated in Nebraska Council on Economic Education.