Panel Discussion: Arts and Entrepreneurship
1:15 pm –
3:00 pm
Embassy Suites
Room: Ballroom
1040 “P” Street
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Please join us for a panel discussion entitled “Arts and Entrepreneurship.” The panelists include: Dean Haist (Musician); Ree Keneko (June Kaneko Studio); and Ann Chang (Meadow-lark Music Festival, Music Entrepreneurship UNL).
The panel discussion will be hosted by William Stibor of Nebraska Public Radio, and is part of EntrepreneuringDays@UNL, a program of The Center For Entrepreneurship at the UNL College of Business Administration. The Arts and Entrepreneurship panel is sponsored by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Preforming Arts.
The panel discussion will be hosted by William Stibor of Nebraska Public Radio, and is part of EntrepreneuringDays@UNL, a program of The Center For Entrepreneurship at the UNL College of Business Administration. The Arts and Entrepreneurship panel is sponsored by the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Preforming Arts.