Let’s Get Ethical
Join us for a day of dynamic lessons from the award-winning Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum!
10:00 am –
3:00 pm
University of Nebraska Omaha - Mammel Hall Room: 162
Target Audiences:
6708 Pine St.
Omaha NE 68182
Omaha NE 68182
Nebraska Council on Economic Education , (402) 472-2333, mpierson4@unl.edu
Join us for a day of dynamic lessons from the award-winning Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum! Participants will get a full overview of the curriculum and get hands-on demonstrations of four lessons from the curriculum so they are ready to put them in the classroom immediately! Nebraska teachers will receive a $150 stipend and lunch will be provided. Your presenters are Matt Pierson from the Nebraska Council on Economic Education and co-author of the Ethics, Economics, and Social Issues curriculum and Chandler Jordan, the executive director of the South Carolina Council on Economic Education and also a co-author of the curriculum. This engaging day is perfect for teachers of a variety of subjects, social studies and business alike!
To complete registration, a $25 deposit is required on the online platform, upon completion of the program, you will receive $175 to cover stipend and deposit.
Register Here: https://nebraskacouncilunledu.app.neoncrm.com/event.jsp?event=20&;
To complete registration, a $25 deposit is required on the online platform, upon completion of the program, you will receive $175 to cover stipend and deposit.
Register Here: https://nebraskacouncilunledu.app.neoncrm.com/event.jsp?event=20&;
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This event originated in Nebraska Council on Economic Education.