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Beef Feedlot Roundtable

12:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Nielsen Community Center in West Point
Galen Erickson, (402) 472-6402,
Research findings and industry updates will be the focus of the Nebraska Extension Beef Feedlot Roundtables Feb. 12-14. Topics were selected to benefit feedlot managers, owners, employees, and those working in the allied industry. One issue facing all producers is the ability to attract and retain employees. Because this is the biggest issue facing our feedyards, we have invited Dr. Scott MacGregor who offers some options for feedyards to enhance employee retention and management succession. Another topic that faces our beef industry is lab-grown proteins so Danielle Beck with NCBA will offer the latest on where that industry is at and how it will be regulated. As tradition, relevant research findings will be presented on issues such as congestive heart failure, nutrition and management practices for their area, and an update on activities from the Nebraska Beef Council.

Registration begins at 12:30 p.m., followed by presentations from 1 to 5 p.m. Following the program, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training and certification or recertification will be available each day.

Sponsorship was generously provided by Elanco Animal Health, and the meeting is organized by Nebraska Extension, with additional support from the Nebraska Beef Council.

Online registration is encouraged and available at Cost is $20 at the door if preregistered and $40 for walk-ins.

For more information or to request a printed registration form, contact Galen Erickson, Nebraska Extension beef feedlot nutrition specialist, at 402-472-6486 or

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