March BeefWatch Webinar Series
Recurring Date Info:
8:00 pm –
9:00 pm
Webinar via Zoom
Kacie McCarthy, (402) 472-6074,
In March, the BeefWatch Webinar series will focus on planning for and managing during a drought. Each free session will feature industry experts and plenty of opportunity to interact to get your questions answered. More information about the BeefWatch Webinar Series can be found on our webpage below.
March 16, Pre-During-Post Drought Management of Rangelands
Dr. Mitchell Stephenson, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, will walk us through trigger dates and how we can make decisions to manage our rangelands including how to use tools such as grass cast.
Register here:
March 23, Alternative Forage Options During a Drought
Dr. Jerry Volesky, West Central Research and Extension Center, will review different annual forages and how they might be used to increase grazing capacity or provide extra hay.
Register here:
March 30, Stretching Forage to Meet Cow Requirements During a Drought
Dr. Travis Mulliniks, West Central Research and Extension Center, will discuss the importance of proper nutrition for the cow during a drought and how we can meet nutritional needs depending on forage availability.
Register here:
More information about drought management and planning can be found at:
March 16, Pre-During-Post Drought Management of Rangelands
Dr. Mitchell Stephenson, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, will walk us through trigger dates and how we can make decisions to manage our rangelands including how to use tools such as grass cast.
Register here:
March 23, Alternative Forage Options During a Drought
Dr. Jerry Volesky, West Central Research and Extension Center, will review different annual forages and how they might be used to increase grazing capacity or provide extra hay.
Register here:
March 30, Stretching Forage to Meet Cow Requirements During a Drought
Dr. Travis Mulliniks, West Central Research and Extension Center, will discuss the importance of proper nutrition for the cow during a drought and how we can meet nutritional needs depending on forage availability.
Register here:
More information about drought management and planning can be found at: