YQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals) Face to Face Training
8:30 am –
10:00 am
Holt County Courthouse Annex
Target Audiences:
128 N. 6th Street
O’Neill NE 68763
O’Neill NE 68763
4-H members ages 8-18, who are enrolled in any of the livestock projects listed below are required to participate in an annual YQCA training. Annual training requirements may be satisfied by completing either an online web based training course or a face-to-face instructor-led training course. Animal projects that require YQCA certification training are Beef, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Meat Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep and Swine. Clover kids are NOT required to complete YQCA to show livestock.
Don’t forget to register for the face-to-face training you plan on attending:
Don’t forget to register for the face-to-face training you plan on attending: