Displaying Event Type: Presentation
Event Type Results
6 results from all calendars matching the selected event type
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - David Gomez Quintero
From the Ramer-Tait Lab.
12:00 pm –
12:55 pm
Food Innovation Center
Room: 277
This event originated in Nebraska Food for Health Center.
Solutions to the Strong CP Problem, Dark Matter Candidates, and Detection Methods
Comprehensive Exam
12:00 pm –
3:00 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 207
Target Audiences:
Jahid Hossain will present his comprehensive exam topic, “Solutions to the Strong CP Problem, Dark Matter Candidates, and Detection Methods” in person.
This event originated in Physics.
Food for Health Gut Group WIP Series - Jordan Hernandez & Mayowa Abiodun
From the Clayton Lab.
12:00 pm –
12:55 pm
Food Innovation Center
Room: 277
This event originated in Nebraska Food for Health Center.
2024-25 Methodology Applications Series
Featuring HyeonJin Yoon
12:00 pm –
1:30 pm
Location TBD
Target Audiences:
HyeonJin Yoon, MAP Academy research assistant professor, will lead the third presentation of the MAP Academy’s 2024-25 Methodology Applications Series.
This event originated in Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools.
DSAEC Distinguished Lecture
Presented by Dr. Baabak Ashuri (Georgia Tech)
12:15 pm –
1:15 pm
Peter Kiewit Institute Room: 160
Target Audiences:
More information coming soon!
This event originated in The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction.
2024-25 Methodology Applications Series
Featuring Natalie Koziol
12:00 pm –
1:30 pm
Location TBD
Target Audiences:
Natalie Koziol, MAP Academy research associate professor, will lead the final presentation of the MAP Academy’s 2024-25 Methodology Applications Series.
This event originated in Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools.
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