CBC/RBC seminar - Dr. Frank Harmon, USDA-ARS
Mechanisms of the plant circadian clock and its regulation of plant growth
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Beadle Center
Room: E103
Target Audiences:
1901 Vine St
Lincoln NE 68503
Lincoln NE 68503
Directions: Beadle Center is located at 1901 Vine St. on UNL’s City campus.
Additional Info: BEAD
Diana Bonham, (402) 472-2932, dbonham2@unl.edu
A core question of the Harmon lab is how plants optimize stress tolerance, growth, and development by organizing their daily and seasonal activities with the circadian clock. Circadian clocks generate endogenous 24-hour rhythms that control many aspects of plant, animal, and fungal physiology. The lab investigates fundamental clock mechanisms with the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and dissects pathways regulating daily rhythms in the model cereal crops maize and sorghum.
Additional Public Info:
Or join by Zoom: https://unl.zoom.us/j/96109374338
Meeting ID: 961 0937 4338 Passcode: 997397