Dr. Mahbubul Majunder (UNO Mathematics) “Direct Use of statistical graphics in statistical decision
3:00 pm
Hardin Hall
Room: 49 NW
3310 Holdrege St
Lincoln NE 68583
Lincoln NE 68583
Additional Info: HARH
Abstract. Statistical graphics have been being used widely for exploratory data analysis, model checking and diagnosis. However, there has not been direct use of graphics in statistical decision making process. In this talk we will present how statistical graphics can be used in inferential procedure. We call this method as visual statistical inference. Our experimental results suggest that this visual method performs comparably with the conventional tests. Surprisingly, visual tests have higher power than the conventional tests when the effect size is large. And, interestingly, there may be some super-visual individuals who yield better performance and power than the conventional test even in the most difficult tasks. These interesting findings open up new area of research and expand the use of graphics bridging the long existing gulf between exploratory and inferential statistics.
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This event originated in Statistics.