Nanopatterning of Ferroelectric Polymer and High Resolution Pyroelectric Scanning Microscopy
Doctoral Dissertation Defense
1:30 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 149
Jingfeng Song
This event originated in Physics.
SBS Seminar: Erin Conlisk, University of California Berkeley
Climate Change Biologist Candidate
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Hamilton Hall
Room: 112
“Putting ecology into predictions of forest range shifts under climate change”
This event originated in School for Biological Sciences.
The materials physics of complex oxides
Physics Colloquium
3:30 pm
Jorgensen Hall Room: 136
Speaker: Charles Ahn, Yale University
This event originated in Physics.
Ongoing Events
Shakespeare and His World
An Exhibit & Events
9:00 am –
6:00 pm
Love Library South
April 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and to commemorate Shakespeare’s life and work, the UNL Libraries is hosting the exhibit “Shakespeare and His World” April 1-30, 2016. Images and items from the University …
This event originated in Medieval & Renaissance Studies.
The New and the Novel in the 19th Century/New Directions in 19th Century Studies
8:00 am –
5:00 pm
Marriott Cornhusker and Sheldon Auditorium
UNL is hosting NCSA 2016. Sponsors include: