“Markers of Difference, Rhetorical Agency, and Narratives of Disability Disclosure”
Lecture and Q&A with Stephanie Kerschbaum
3:30 am –
5:00 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library
Stephanie Kerschbaum is an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Delaware, where she conducts research focused on diversity issues and the teaching of writing. She teaches undergraduate courses in the UD Writing …
This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.
SBS Seminar: Andrew Clark, Cornell University
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Hamilton Hall
Room: 112
“Genomics of Tame/Aggressive Behavior – The Silver Fox Story”
This event originated in School for Biological Sciences.
French Table
Pratiquer Votre Français
4:00 pm –
5:30 pm
Yia Yia’s
Come have fun! Speak French! Meet other people who love to speak French!
This event originated in Modern Languages and Literatures.
Spanish Conversation Table
Practicar su Español
4:00 pm
Burnett Hall
Room: 302
Come practice Spanish in a fun and comfortable environment! This is a free learning opportunity!
This event originated in Modern Languages and Literatures.
2016 Stubbendieck Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize Lecture
The Metis and the Medicine Line
7:00 pm
Center for Great Plains Studies
2016 Stubbendieck Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize winner Michel Hogue will speak on his winning book “The Metis and the Medicine Line: Creating a Border and Dividing a People.”
This event originated in Women’s and Gender Studies.
Stubbendieck Book Prize Lecture
Metis and the Medicine Line
7:00 pm
Center for Great Plains Studies
2016 Stubbendieck Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize winner Michel Hogue will speak on his winning book “The Metis and the Medicine Line: Creating a Border and Dividing a People.”
This event originated in Center for Great Plains Studies.
Ongoing Events
Art Exhibition
Celebrating 10 Years of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators – Great Plains Chapter
All Day
Love Library South
Room: Second Floor
Scientific Illustrations by the Great Plains Chapter of Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Inc. (GNSI) will be on display during the Fall 2016 semester. This exhibit celebrates the Chapter’s 10th anniversary. Along with their artwork, members …
This event originated in Libraries.