All events are in Central time unless specified.

Wednesday, January 18


A Digital Approach to Determining Authorship from Syntax Alone

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Andrews Hall Room: 228 (Dudley-Bailey Library)
Vanessa Gorman and Robert Gorman are developing new digital techniques to decide the authorship of unknown works and to determine the accuracy of otherwise-lost texts quoted and excerpted by later authors based solely on the syntax of the language …
This event originated in History.

Colloquium – “Visual Stability Across Saccades”

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior Room: B60
Dr. Stefan Van der Stigchel is an associate professor at Utrecht University and head of Attentionlab, a research group that studies how visual awareness and attention shape the perception of the world around us. He is an expert in the cognitive …
This event originated in CB3 Calendar.

Dr. Jerry Honts, Drake University

Spring 2017 Biotechnology / Life Sciences Seminar Series

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Beadle Center Room: E103
“Patterns of Force: Structure and Function of a Contractile Protein Assembly from the Ciliated Protozoan Tetrahymena,” will be presented by Dr. Jerry Honts, Drake University.
This event originated in Center for Biotechnology.