Institute for Ethnic Studies Colloquium
How To stay Healthy & Academically Vibrant: When Professors Go to “Bootcamp”
3:30 pm –
5:00 pm
Andrews Hall
Room: Bailey Library
Panelists are: Dr. Dawne Curry, History & Ethnic Studies; Dr. Kwakiutl Dreher, English & Ethnic Studies; Dr. Amelia Montes, English & Ethnic Studies
This event originated in Ethnic Studies.
Dr. Gerhard Thiel, Technical University Darmstadt
Spring 2017 Biotechnology / Life Sciences Seminar Series
4:00 pm –
5:00 pm
Beadle Center
Room: E103
“Viral proteins teach us lessons on the sorting of membrane proteins in eukaryotic cells,” will be presented by Dr. Gerhard Thiel, Technical University Darmstadt.
This event originated in Center for Biotechnology.
SciPop Talks: Antioxidants: The Need-To-Know
7:00 pm
Love Library North & Link
Room: Adele Hall Learning Commons
Antioxidants are frequently discussed in connection to good health and preventing diseases. Are they really the “panacea”? Come discuss antioxidant foods, their preparation, and potential health benefits with speaker Changmou Xu.
This event originated in Libraries.