CAS Week – Fingerprint Mural
10:00 am –
2:00 pm
Oldfather Hall
Room: First floor
660 N 12th St
Lincoln NE 68508
Lincoln NE 68508
Additional Info: OLDH
June Griffin, (402) 472-2891
Stop by the first floor of Oldfather Hall to place a fingerprint and note on a tree-themed mural, answering the question: “If you could pick a different CAS major besides your own, what would it be?”
Nebraska’s College of Arts and Sciences is hosting CAS Week, a series of events celebrating the college’s students, faculty, staff and alumni, March 4 through 8. CAS Week is organized by the Student Advisory Board.
Students are encouraged to swipe their N Card at every event; each swipe is an entry into a raffle at the end of the week.
Nebraska’s College of Arts and Sciences is hosting CAS Week, a series of events celebrating the college’s students, faculty, staff and alumni, March 4 through 8. CAS Week is organized by the Student Advisory Board.
Students are encouraged to swipe their N Card at every event; each swipe is an entry into a raffle at the end of the week.