All events are in Central time unless specified.

Friday, September 6


Amadeu K. Sum, Chem Colloquium

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Hamilton Hall Room: 112
Professor Amadeu K. Sum, from Colorado School of Mines, will present a lecture entitled “Gas Hydrates: The Intricacies of Solid Solutions of Water and Gas.”
This event originated in Chemistry.

NCMN/CHEM Seminar w/ Dr. Amadeu Sum

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Hamilton Hall Room: 112
Gas Hydrates: The Intricacies of Solid Solutions of Water and Gas

John Meakin, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Inverse semigroups and Leavitt path algebras

4:00 pm – 4:50 pm
Location: Avery Hall Room: 115
The study of Leavitt path algebras is an outgrowth of work done by Bill Leavitt, long-time faculty member in mathematics at UNL, in the early 1960’s. Leavitt path algebras are F-algebras built essentially from a field F and paths in a directed graph …
This event originated in Math Colloquia.
Art Exhibition

First Friday at the Great Plains Art Museum

With photographer Michael Farrell

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Great Plains Art Museum
Join us for the opening reception for a new photography exhibit, “In the Bohemian Alps,” where photographer Michael Farrell will give a short talk at at 6 p.m. The exhibition runs from Sept. 6 through December 21.
This event originated in Center for Great Plains Studies.

Ongoing Events

Exhibit - Artifacts

The Heart of Campus: A N150 Exhibit

All Day
Location: Love Library South Room: 218
“The Heart of Campus” is a new exhibit to celebrate N150. A special tribute to University Hall and other artifacts curated by the University Archives & Special Collections staff are featured. A selection of archival photographs run on the virtual …
This event originated in Libraries.