Coffee Talks: Conversations between International & Domestic Students
hosted by Student Involvement
3:30 pm –
4:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Room: 200 (Green Room)
Grab a beverage and join in the twice-weekly casual gatherings to chat about each other’s cultures, meet friends, and learn about campus.
This event originated in Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.
Ongoing Events
Hostile Terrain 94 Nebraska - Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts Exhibition
A participatory exhibition about the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border and how it connects
All Day
Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts
*Subject to change based on local health directives*
CAS Day(s) of Service
Donations to help the Lincoln community throughout the month of October
All Day
CAS Buildings
The College of Arts and Sciences is engaging faculty, staff, and students to make an impact through volunteerism and support of people in need within our community. Due to COVID-19, our “day” of service this year will be a month-long, targeted …