All events are in Central time unless specified.

Thursday, April 22


Wilson Lecture – Drugs, Politics, and Pariahs: Or, How to Think About Race and Harm Reduction in an Opioid Epidemic

Dr. Samuel Kelton Roberts, Columbia University

5:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Samuel Kelton Roberts, associate professor of history, sociomedical sciences, and African-American Studies at Columbia University and leads the Research Cluster for Historical Study of Race, Inequality, and Health, will present a history of race and …
This event originated in Humanities In Medicine.
Reading - Fiction/poetry

Reading: Grace Bauer and Hilda Raz

7:00 pm
Location: Online
Grace Bauer and Hilda Raz, two poets who helped build UNL’s Creative Writing Program, will read from their new books.
This event originated in English.