Jamie Radcliffe, University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Do your friend’s friend’s have more friends than you?
4:00 pm –
4:50 pm
Christopher Schafhauser, cschafhauser2@unl.edu
The Friendship Paradox is (paradoxically) a theorem of graph theory. Very roughly it says that, on average, your friends have more friends than you. It was proved in 1991 by a sociologist. I will talk about this theorem and recent extensions to friends of friends of friends of… . Along the way we will visit the notion of a graph homomorphism, discuss a 40 year old conjecture of Erdos and Simonovits, proved very recently, and I will advertise Siderenko’s Conjecture, one of my two favorite open problems in discrete mathematics.
Additional Public Info:
Hosted by Christopher Schafhauser
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This event originated in Math Colloquia.